Book of James

Instructor: Minister Joyce V. Burton ~

Added 5.11

Download James 4:1-12 | James 4:13 to 5:19 | James 5:7-20

Beginning, today, May 4, 2020, we will have our classes on the Conference Call:

Each student is requested to complete this assignment and return the completed answers to me no later than Monday, May 18, 2020. This will be used for your final grades.

FREE CONFERENCE CALL.COM. – “James”Class – Monday, May 4, 2020 – 6:30PM sharp

James Chapter 3 – 5

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We are beginning Chapter 3 in the Epistle of James. Attached is a Powerpoint presentation for our study notes.

Here is the assignment for our class:

  • Please continue to read our Commentary text, “The Book of James: A Faith that works” by John Stevenson
  • Read the Book of James (5) five times at one sitting within this semester

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