New Life Bible Institute Alumni Association

Do you feel the Lord leading you to give back? Do you want to be a part of what God is doing at New Life Bible Institute? Please consider joining the Alumni Association and help our school grow and better serve.

The primary purpose of the Alumni Association is to promote the spiritual advancement of the students and graduates of the New Life Bible Institute Missionary Training School. The Alumni Association’s objective is to encourage and inspire the students and graduates to become involved and serve in the work of the ministry for which they have been called and prepared to serve. The Alumni Association extends its support in these areas through the utilization of the individual and collective gifts, talents, skills and educational resources of its members. The Alumni Association will assist in the financial support of the New Life Bible Institute Missionary Training School through monetary contributions and services to assist in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout all nations.

The goals of the Alumni Association are:

• Support the School, the students and the faculty through prayer
• Make a monetary contribution to the School to be used for supplies, etc.
• Support and serve in the operation of the School
• Organize and plan the Annual School Retreat
• Organize and plan the NLBI Graduating Seniors Award Banquet
• Support the School’s participation in the annual Missions and Bible Conferences

Social Events

• NLBIAA Annual Picnic 2nd Saturday in August
• NLBIAA Meetings 3rd Saturday of each month (except July & August)
• NLBI Graduating Seniors Award Banquet held Saturday preceding graduation
• NLBI Annual School Retreat 3rd weekend in March

Follow us on Facebook page @nlbialumni