New Life Bible Institute Missionary Training School is now online. New Life Online uses Google Classroom for courses, teachers and students. To enroll in New Life Online, complete the online registration process by filling out the admissions application form. Returning students must complete the Returning Student Form. Students will be assigned New Life Gmail accounts and assigned appropriate courses. Students can attend our Day and Evening Schools. New Life Online requires the appropriate technology, which includes the following. Google Classroom is available for Android and Apple iOS.

  • Desktop computer (laptop, tablet, or mobile phone) with working webcam, microphone and speakers (headset)
  • Able to access and use Google Classroom and Google Meeting (or Zoom)
  • General school and course requirements, books, and materials
  • Current, functioning, accessible email account (preferably Gmail account)
  • Available to attend online courses during set class times
  • Abide by New Life Online guidelines and polices

Enrollment requires that students understand and abide by the school general and online policies and guidelines. Violation is unethical and may result in the loss of privileges as well as other disciplinary action.

NLBI reserves the right to change, without notice, any statement contained on this site concerning academic policies and procedures. Students are bound by the policies and requirements listed at the time that they matriculate into our school. Readmitted students are bound by the policies and requirements in place at the time of readmission.

NLBI has established a code of high standards of behavior to include the following expectations for Students and Student Organizations to:

  • Accept responsibility when their choices or actions have negatively impacted themselves, others, or the community at large.
  • Engage in constant learning, practice self-reflection, and develop resilience to maintain academic, personal, and professional integrity.
  • Foster positive relationships with others.
  • Ensure the health, wellness, and safety of themselves and their communities.
  • Demonstrate mutual respect and equity within the bounds of the Code of Conduct.
  • Each student must have his/her web camera on during class and engage in class participation and activities.
  • Only three (3) absences are allowed per class.
  • No eating during classes.

New Student Application | Application Returning Student Form