Christian Ethics Students:
Updated 5.10.2020
Richard Faison is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Christian Ethics
Time: May 11, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
- Just a reminder, all remaining homework is due by Friday May 15, 2020…
- The final will be sent to you via email on Monday May 18, 2020…
- The final is Open Bible only, not open book for the Christian Ethics book…
- The final will be due back to me via email no later than Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 10pm…
- Any final exam turned in after that deadline will see a reduction in grade for each day late…
- If you have questions concerning the exam contact me immediately via text message at 267.581.6070
- Please identify yourself in your text in case you are not in my contact box…
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I trust this information finds you in good health. We will start our Zoom teaching sessions next week. The Zoom meeting schedule will be as follows:
Monday April 27th – 6:30 to 7:30pm – Highlights of chapters 7 & 8
Wednesday April 29th – 6:30 to 7:30pm – Highlights of chapters 9 & 10
Friday May 1st – 6:30 to 7:30pm – Highlights of chapters 11 & 12
Have your questions, comments, and insights ready.
We will do a prep session for the Final Exam on May 11th via Zoom at 6:30pm.
You can continue to send in your homework via email through May 11th.
I will send you your Final Exam via email on May 18th with a no later return date of Wednesday May 20th.
You can download the free Zoom app to your computer, tablet or phone. I have the business version of Zoom which allows for us to have up to a 100 people on the call and has heightened security.
If you have questions or conflicts with the above schedule please text me at 267.581.6070 (please identify yourself because you may not be in my contact list) and I will work with you for alternate arrangements.
Rev. Rick Faison