Books for Evangelical Training Association courses can be purchased on the ETA Bookstore. Books can also be purchased from and Consider purchasing books in electronic format (eg Kindle) as well. Below are books required for each course. Course teachers may require additional books and materials as well. Please check with your teachers before purchasing any books.

Freshman Class


New Testament
How to Read the Bible Book by Book > Amazon
An Introduction to the New Testament (Carson & Moo) > Amazon
New Testament SurveyETA World *

Missions I & II
Introducing World Missions
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Christian Ethics (2nd Semester)
Kingdom Values by Tony Evans | The Urban Alternative


Sunday School
Sunday School Changes EverythingAmazon

You & Your BibleETA World

Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity
Growing Toward Spiritual MaturityETA World

Teaching Techniques
Teaching TechniquesETA World

Biblical Beliefs (2nd semester)

Old Testament Survey Part I (2nd semester)
Old Testament SurveyETA World *

Junior Class


Personal Evangelism
Training for Evangelism > WipfandStock | Amazon

Understanding People
Understanding PeopleETA World

James (2nd Semester)
James > Amazon

Cults (2nd Semester)
Dr. Walter Martin, Kingdom of the Cults: Sixth Edition


Old Testament Survey Part I (2nd semester, the school does not have this book in stock)
Old Testament Survey (Part II) > ETA World
How to Read the Bible Book by Book > Amazon
An Introduction to the Old Testament > Amazon

Modern Black Missions
African-American Experience in World Mission | Kindle

The Triune God
The Triune GodETA World

Great Doctrines of the Bible by Dr. William Evans.

Senior Class


Church History
Perspective On Church HistoryETA World

Old Testament Prophecy
Old Testament Survey (Part II) >  ETA World *

Indicates that these books will be used in future classes.